Friday, January 27, 2012

It's the little things...

Eight hours of sleep in 2 days.  Unwashed ponytail.  Dark circles under my eyes.  Tennis shoes and who knows what bodily fluids staining my scrubs.  That is what we like to call a hot mess.  So I swooned when the really sweet, mostly blind, half deaf old man yelled, "Hey!  You are pretty!"

Because here is thing.  Nothing is the same.  And by that I mean me.  The post baby body will never be like the pre.  Ever.  I knew it was coming the second I saw the pink plus sign.  Fine, it comes with the territory.  And yeah yeah yeah the kid is worth every stretch mark.  So thank you to the cute demented sweetheart.  It really is the little things.

1 comment:

  1. Friend, you're the prettiest! You look nothing short of amazing these days. :) Love L
